Coming Summer 2024

Tax savings & benefits for solo professionals

Tax Savings

Using the combination of an S-Corp, W2 payroll, and 401K contributions, you could see upwards of $5K of tax savings per year if you are earning $100K+.

W2 Payroll

Using Besolo means you run a W2-style payroll for yourself, drastically simplifying your taxes while eliminating self-employment tax. If you make over $100K as a solo professional, you are paying thousands of dollars in extra tax by not doing this. Having W2-style paystubs also makes income verification for loans, mortgages & rentals far easier.


Premium 401K options for solo professionals. The best part is you get to contribute twice as much more than you would as an individual to save thousands more on taxes and fast track your retirement building.

Our revolutionary Solo Ops Platform handles all the worst parts of being an independent professional

S-Corp Formation

Making an S-corp can be intimidating, we are here to make it easy so you can reap the tax rewards.


Running W2 payroll for yourself in an S-corp leads to great tax savings and helps with income verification for loans/housing.


We make staying ahead of key filing dates and staying in good standing with the appropriate agencies is super simple.


Automatic quarterly tax calculations, one-click business returns and we can even connect you with CPA’s


Accounting and invoicing does not need to be that hard. Keep your accounts balanced with ease with Besolo. (coming soon)


Get access to quality health, retirement & disability benefits usually reserved for W2 workers at big corporations. (coming soon)

Only $349/month

Our complete solo ops platform that includes access to corporate quality benefits and handles the finance/tax of your business of one is just $349/month. Many Besolo members will see more than $10K in tax savings. 

Besolo Solo HR/Ops Platform for Coworking